SFB 914 Trafficking of Immune Cells in Inflammation, Development and Disease

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2nd Gender and Science Meeting on Leukocyte Trafficking

International Meeting

26.09.2018 at 13:00 

The 2nd Gender and Science Meeting on Leukocyte Trafficking is organized by the Munich-based collaborative research center SFB 914 on “Leukocyte Trafficking in Inflammation, Development and Disease” on September 26, 2018.

It features established female scientists from different European countries, who will talk about both their scientific work in the field of leukocyte trafficking and others as well as their individual career paths. These will be followed by a plenary discussion about challenges particular to female scientists and possible solutions, all including the unique perspectives of our international guests.

The meeting will conclude with an informal dinner, so that participants can network with the speakers and amongst each other.

September 26, 2018; starting at 13:00

The meeting is open to students, Postdocs and PIs. All are welcome! Please register here.

Kleiner Hörsaal N02.040
Biomedical Center Munich (BMC)
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
(Munich, Germany)

Organizers: Julia von Blume, Tobias Kemme and Barbara Walzog


(Detailed program available for download)

13:00 | Lunch Snack

13:30 | Welcome and Introduction

13:40 | Invited Speakers

Véronique Witko-Sarsat | INSERM, Paris
How neutrophils can cause autoimmune vasculitis: the subversive role of the autoantigen proteinase 3

Alison Abbott | Nature, Munich
A female science journalist

Barbara Conradt | LMU Munich
Developmental control of apoptotic cell death

Sophie Action | University College, London
Dendritic cell trafficking and lymph node remodeling – reciprocal signaling with fibroblastic stroma

Sussan Nourshargh | Queen Mary University of London
Breaching venular walls and academic barriers: Insights, challenges and opportunities

Plenary Discussion

18:00 | Get-Together/Networking Dinner


Please register here. Attendance is free of charge. All are welcome!