SFB 914 Trafficking of Immune Cells in Inflammation, Development and Disease

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Research Areas

Part A - Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms

ProjectPrinc. InvestigatorsTitle
A01 Markus Moser Deciphering mechanisms of kindlin-3 and talin-1-mediated integrin activation and signaling in hematopoietic cells
A02 Barbara Walzog, Daniela Maier Role of novel coronin 1A and CD18 interacting partners in neutrophil trafficking
A03 (E) Martin Benoit,
Steffen Massberg
Mechanical characterization of integrin-dependent leukocyte adhesion
A04 (E) Melanie Laschinger Molecular mechanism regulating LFA-1 mediated T cell migration
A05 Ralph Böttcher Role of integrin trafficking and stability for leukocyte migration
A06 (E) Susanne Stutte,
Thomas Brocker
Rho-GTPase-dependent plasmacytoid dendritic cell seeding, retention and recruitment in vivo
A07 (E) Annette Müller-Taubenberger Cytoskeletal dynamics in migrating leukocytes and Dictyostelium amoebae
A08 Christoph Klein Rare human diseases involving neutrophil granulocytes - new models to study trafficking and cell migration
A09 (E) Julia von Blume Protein sorting at the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and
its impact on immune cell migration
A10 Christian Schulz Regulation of macrophage trafficking and function
A11 (E) Barbara Schraml The role of dendritic cells in coordinating innate leukocyte trafficking
A12 (N) Jörg Renkawitz Nukleokinesis in leukocyte trafficking
A13 (N) Felix Meissner Functional proteomics dissection of chemotactic protein diversity

N: project started 07/2019; E: project ended

Part B - Immunity and Disease

ProjectPrinc. InvestigatorsTitle
B01 Markus Sperandio Regulation of neutrophil recruitment by A10 in the fetus and in postnatal live
B02 Konstantin Stark,
Steffen Massberg
Mechanisms of cell-cell contact induced activity modulation in myeloid leukocytes
B03 Christoph Reichel Role of thrombospondins for leukocyte trafficking to inflamed tissue
B04 (E) Admar Verschoor,
Dirk Busch
Antigen- and leukocyte-trafficking events guiding effective CD8+ T lymphocyte differentiation
B05 Rainer Haas Helicobacter pylori - CEACAM interaction, gastric leukocyte recruitment and local immunomodulation
B06 (E) Kirsten Lauber Dying cell-derived 'find-me' signals in leukocyte recruitment
B07 (E) Hubert Hilbi Modulation of immune cell trafficking by Legionella pneumophila
B08 Oliver Söhnlein Alarmins induce acute neutrophil mobilization
B09 (E) Christoph Scheiermann Mechanisms mediating circadian leukocyte recruitment to arteries and veins
B10 (N) Ludwig Weckbach Role of the cytokine midkine in neutrophil trafficking and myocarditis
B11 (N) Monika Prünster Role of cytosolic MRP8/14 in leukocyte recruitment in vivo

N: project started 07/2019; E: project ended

Part Z - Central Projects

ProjectPrinc. InvestigatorsTitle
Z01 Hellen Ishikawa-Ankerhold,
Steffen Massberg
4D-Multiphoton intravital microscopy in mouse models of immune cell trafficking
Z03 Barbara Walzog,
Markus Sperandio
Fast and high-resolution imaging of leukocyte trafficking using spinning-disk confocal microscopy
MGK Markus Sperandio,
Markus Moser
Integrated Research Training Group “Leukocyte Trafficking”

N: project started 07/2019